Now Available

Premium CBD Products
There are advantages to growing hemp in the mountains of Western Maryland. At a higher elevation, summer temperatures are moderate and natural rainfall is plentiful. Hemp flowers grow full and rich of essential cannabinoids which are utilized to produce a premium line of therapeutic products.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not meant to treat, cure, or diagnose any disease or ailment.
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If you're into fitness, the biggest obstacle is workout recovery. Get back on track with a daily CBD regimen. Check out our Premium CBD Topical product line.*
Stress and anxiety can be brought on by sudden burdens or a chronic condition that is disruptive and destructive.*

There is nothing worse than a sleepless night. Try sublingual drops or top off your non-caffeinated beverage with our Premium CBD Tinctures to mellow the harsh that's keeping you up.*

It's About Time
And About Place
Meadow Mountain Hemp, one of the first industrial hemp growers in Maryland, is dedicated to the growth of premium hemp for therapeutic and industrial purposes. Owned and operated by partners in business and in life, Darryl Glotfelty and Haeli Gustafson, MMH specializes in growing and producing premium CBD and hemp products on their 100-year-old farm in the Appalachian Mountains of Western Maryland.
With global experience and training in agriculture and science, MMH is passionate about restoring a struggling agricultural community by way of industrial hemp. With current focus on CBD, the duo is also spearheading efforts in the county with visions of hemp for fiber on the horizon. What sets us apart from other CBD companies is we are the farmers who produce and market our products directly to consumers. Many CBD companies source their CBD from unknown places, making it near impossible for the consumer to know where their hemp comes from.
With MMH, consumers know exactly where their hemp is grown and how it is grown, providing a worry-free experience backed up with third-party lab testing guaranteeing product potency. As farmers, we believe in sustainability and organic growing, which is why we farm using organic practices and inputs to ensure our hemp plants are natural and healthy, for both consumers and the planet.
Although hemp is a new product for U.S. farmers, it enjoyed a long and important history before it was wrongly classified with the marijuana plant - a fellow member of the cannabis family. Unlike marijuana, hemp has trace amounts of THC, the psychotropic chemical found in what is commonly known as "weed" or "pot". Without the mind-altering effects of THC, CBD oils derived from hemp deliver a safe and natural way to combat inflammation, anxiety, pain, sleeplessness, and much more.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.